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Probe: GLP her-2/csp17 (17q11.2-q12/17p11.1-q11.1)


Sample: Paraffin sample (breast cancer, stomach cancer etc.)


Clinical Significance:


1. Screening of Herceptin, Tykerb, T-DM1 and other targeted drugs, breast cancer HER-2 overexpression, advanced gastric cancer, patients with gastro-esophageal junction adenocarcinoma may choose targeted drugs therapy.

2. Evaluate the prognosis of breast cancer, the prognosis of patients with HER-2 gene amplification is poor, the disease-free survival period and the total survival period are significantly shortened.

3. Guidance for breast cancer endocrine therapy, HER-2 gene amplification in patients under endocrine therapy is not sensitive.

4. Guide breast cancer adjuvant chemotherapy drug selection, HER-2 gene amplification in patients with high degree of malignancy, decreased responsiveness to CMF chemotherapy regimen, paclitaxel and anthracycline-based high-intensity chemotherapy drugs should be recommended.


HER-2 Gene Amplification FISH Probe Kit

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