협력회사 브랜드별 Antibodies 서비스
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메디코에서 공급하는 high quality의 제품등을 빠르게 검색하기 위한 페이지입니다.
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Monoclonals, matched pairs, tag antibodies, recombinant, polyclonal antibodies...

Conjugated, unconjugated secondaries... Offering more than 20,000 secondary antibodies validated for the most varied applications: ELISA, flow cytometry, western blot, ICC, IHC and many more.

Native and recombinant, active, full length or partial proteins,..offering more than 100,000 proteins in a wide range of purity grades are available for your research.

DNA Markers, Protein Markers, Magnatic Beads, ...
Antibody 취급 브랜드

Absolute Antibody was founded in Oxford, UK, in August 2012, with the vision that all antibody users should be able to use recombinant antibodies, which are absolutely defined by their amino acid sequence.

ANIARA provides you with a comprehensive offering of screening tools, as well as diagnostic and research agents, all designed to meet today's highest standards for product quality. You can also rely on Aniara for highly cost-efficient delivery.

As experts in the coagulation business, we provide highest quality as well as greatest competence, innovativeness, reliability and friendliness for our business partners.

Our R&D team is highly trained in every technique covering monoclonal antibody production and development: from hybridoma cell culture to polyclonal antibody production, antibody labelling, isotyping, purification, conjugation and characterization. We also have on site facilities and trained technicians for animal housing, injection and stabulation. This gives you high flexibility for your project management and assistance as well as a wide range of solutions for your immunisation strategy, ani
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